Silent Auction is Monday Night of Conference

UTA’s Annual Silent Auction has brought in over $40,000 to the Association over the past 15 years.  This year it is held on Monday evening November 11th and will feature great items, sponsored by several of our generous members.  If you are interested in donating an item, please contact  We...

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Seven Members on Ballot For Board of Directors

UTA President David Dutcher and UTA Nomination Committee Chair Cathe Cole-Sherburn have announced that seven members will appear on the ballot for the four seats that are up for election to the UTA Board of Directors.  Only “Regular” members have voting privileges. Terms for each of the Directorships is for...

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Conference Hotel Room Guarantee Deadline is October 8th

UTA’s hotel room guarantee deadline for the 44th Annual Education Conference & Trade Show is October 8th.  That means, after that date, we cannot guarantee that a hotel room will be available at the Green Valley Ranch Resort for the UTA Conference after that date. To reserve your hotel room...

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End of Legislative Year Approaching

By Michael Belote, Esq., California Advocates, UTA California Lobbyist The California Legislature works in two-year sessions, and Sacramento is approaching the end of the 2019 legislative year. Following the fall recess which commences on Friday, September 13, the legislature will return to Sacramento on the first Monday in January, 2020....

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Preeminent Title Issues To Be Addressed

The Preeminent Title Issues of concern in today’s market will be addressed by a panel of experts on November 11th at the 44th UTA Annual Conference, held at the Green Valley Ranch Resort. The session will address marijuana properties and farms; solar liens/contracts and HERO programs/loans which are processed through...

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Judges To Provide Bankruptcy Case Updates

Our panel of bankruptcy judges will discuss and explain recent  bankruptcy decisions that have impacted foreclosure practice and real estate law on Monday, November 11th at the 44th Annual UTA Conference, held in Las Vegas. Current issues in litigation will also be addressed by the Honorable August B. Landis, U.S....

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Welcome New Members

Welcome to the following new members of UTA! Laura Givner, First American Mortgage Solutions, Santa Ana, CA Dalaysia Ramirez, Trustee Corps, Irvine, CA John Steele, Steele, LLP, Irvine, CA April Witkin, Witkin & Eisinger, LLC, Burbank, CA

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Registration Now Available for UTA’s 44th Annual Education Conference – Earlybird Deadline is September 13th

UTA’s 44th Annual Education Conference, held at the Green Valley Ranch Resort, Spa & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 10-12th, 2019, will feature exciting and relevant education sessions for attendees – and room rates of just $145/night (plus $25 resort fee). This year’s conference will feature general sessions on:...

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