Industry Veteran Michael Andrews Retires

Michael Andrews retired on June 29th, his 59th birthday.  Michael spent 30 years in the foreclosure industry.  His career started as a courier for TD Service before moving into the posting and publishing world.  He posted and cried sales before using his true talent of marketing.  He was the top...

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Silent Auction is Monday Night

UTA’s Annual Silent Auction has brought in over $40,000 to the Association over the past 15 years.  This year it is held during Murder Mystery night on Monday, November 5th and will feature great items, sponsored by several of our generous members.  If you are interested in donating an item,...

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UTA Welcomes Thirteen New Members

UTA Welcomes Thirteen New Members Please welcome the following new members to UTA. – LaTonya Coleman, Del Toro Loan Servicing, Chula Vista, CA – Casey Cornett, Title365, Newport Beach, CA – Rita Crampton, Williams Williams & McKissick, Tulsa, OK – Ken Frye, VendorView 360, Scottsdale, AZ – Jeff Gregory, Innovative...

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Differences Between Residential and Commercial Pre-Foreclosure Preparation Summarized at UTA Conference

Keith Attlesey Esq., (Assured Lender Services), DeeAnn Gregory, (First American Trustee Servicing Solutions), Julie O. Molteni, Esq., (Quality Loan Service Corp.), and Randy Newman, Esq., (Total Lender Solutions) will lead a session entitled ‘Differences Between Residential and Commercial Pre-Foreclosure Preparation’ at the 43rd Annual Education Conference & Trade Show in...

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Murder Mystery Game at Conference Dinner Event

Murder is on the agenda at this year’s annual dinner event, held Monday evening, November 5th at the Green Valley Ranch Resort, Spa & Casino during the Association’s 43rd Annual Conference. The event will feature two Murder Mystery scenarios, held simultaneously (although in the same room).  In what is, in...

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Conference Offers Three Active Social Networking Activities

UTA will be offering members three exciting social networking opportunities at the 43rd Annual Education Conference, held November 4-6th in Las Vegas.  On Sunday, November 4th, members may participate in the 24th Annual Golf Tournament or a Biking Adventure in Red Rock Canyon as well as a fun Bowling Tournament....

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UTA Bill Signed, Others Pending

UTA Bill Signed, Others Pending By Michael Belote, Esq., California Advocates, UTA California Lobbyist The California Legislature works in two-year sessions, and this is the end of the 2017-2018 session.  The pace of legislative activity is especially intense at this time, for the simple reason that all bills not passed...

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Washington Lawmakers Consider State Bank

By Holly Chisa, HPC Advocacy, UTA Washington State Lobbyist Could Washington residents benefit from a state bank – and how would it interact with the FFA? Over the past several years, Washington lawmakers have toyed with the idea of a state bank, currently referred to as the Washington State Investment...

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Registration Now Available for UTA’s 43rd Annual Education Conference – Earlybird Deadline is September 14th

Read the conference program and register for the conference now! UTA’s 43rd Annual Education Conference, held at the Green Valley Ranch Resort, Spa & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 4-6, 2018, will feature exciting and relevant education sessions for attendees – and room rates of just $130/night (plus $20...

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