UTA’s Legislative Committee has produced its 2019 Legislative ‘Wish List’, with draft legislation and comments for California, Nevada and Washington. For Washington, UTA’s wish list includes an exemption on reverse mortgages from the successor rules; For Nevada it includes legislation to adjust the tolling and expiration provisions in HOBR; and for California, UTA has drafted legislation that would exempt a trustee’s filing of a declaration of nonmonetary status in California Civil Code 2924l from being a ‘first paper’ in a lawsuit for purposes of triggering the relevant filing fees; legislation that would allow a trustee to sub-out as trustee; corrective measures to HOA lien laws; and are working on more.
Members are encouraged to join a committee in 2019. UTA committees are: Membership, Education (conference and dinner topics), Legislative, Legal Resources (amicus briefs); Finance (budget); and Vendor Relations. Please contact Richard Meyers if you are interested in joining a committee.