Cross Purposes

By Michael Belote, Esq., California Advocates, UTA California Lobbyist Every year the California Legislature introduces approximately 2500 new bills to, ahem, improve our lives, making the state capitol a veritable bill factory. Perhaps forty percent ultimately are enacted and signed into law.  Around 1000 new laws are “chaptered” into the...

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A Busy Summer for UTA Members in Washington State

By Holly Chisa, HPC Advocacy, UTA Washington State Lobbyist With the 2022 Washington legislative session in the rear-view mirror, the United Trustees Association now works with stakeholders and lawmakers on the 2023 agenda.  But first, we must resolve out a trustee study in 2022 and get through a general election....

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Eight Members on Ballot For Board of Directors

UTA President Randy Newman and UTA Nomination Committee Chair Kate Eshenko have announced that eight members will appear on the ballot for the three seats that are up for election to the UTA Board of Directors.  Only “Regular” members have voting privileges. Terms for each of the Directorships are for...

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UTA Holiday Party

UTA is hosting a holiday party this year! Join your friends and colleagues for a fun-filled holiday party. Heavy appetizers, your beverage of choice, raffle prizes, and beautiful breezes await. The party is held Tuesday, December 6th from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm on the Bayside Restaurant Patio in Corona...

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UTA Announces 2023 Conference Dates

UTA President Randy Newman has announced the dates for the 2023 Annual Conference. “The conference will be held November 5th to 7th at the Peppermill Hotel in Reno. “Because we canceled our conference in 2020 at the Peppermill due to Covid, in order to eliminate the payment of the cancellation...

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The Reviews Are In for UTA’s 47th Annual Conference

View Conference Photos Code: 082222 UTA’s 47th Annual Educational Conference held August 20th-23rd at the South Point Hotel Casino & Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, Peppermill Resort Spa Casino in Reno, Nevada received rave reviews from attendees. The Education sessions received positive reviews from members; – On the ‘Default Servicing...

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Elizabeth Knight Honored with Phil Adleson Award

Elizabeth Knight is the worthy recipient of the 2022 Phil Adleson Education & Advocacy Award.  The award is presented annually to a member who both educates and advocates on behalf of UTA and its membership. The stringent criteria for the award includes being a ‘master teacher’, who has presented and...

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Ben Levinson Receives Member of the Year Award

Ben Levinson of Law Office of Benjamin R. Levinson was awarded the Dorothy Schick Member of the  Year during the Association’s 47th Annual Education Conference. Levinson received the award for his work on the Board for six years, including two years as Vice-President of the Association, and for leading UTA’s...

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