Orange County Dinner Event is April 23rd

UTA’s Orange County Dinner will be held Thursday, April 23rd at the Embassy Suites in Santa Ana. Chris Akin of Ticor Title; Chris Bolger of Pacific Coast Title; Cathe Cole-Sherburn of Trustee Corps; and Kayo Manson-Thompkins of The Wolf Firm will join moderator Robin Wright, Esq., of Wright Finlay &...

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SCRA Protection Period Extended Through 2015

President Obama has signed Senate Bill 3008, the Foreclosure Relief and Extension for Servicemembers Act of 2014, into law, extending the 12-month, post-discharge, protection period of SCRA (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act) for another year through December 31, 2015.

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UTA Files Amicus Brief in Trustee Attorney Fee Case

UTA has filed an amicus brief in the case of Torigian v WT Capital Lender Services. The case involves a trial court awarding hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees against a Trustee who recorded a Notice of Default when the borrowers had successfully contended the note had been...

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