UTA Bills Progressing

In California, SB 908 would create a new licensing program for debt collectors. While that bill appears to be moving through the legislative process, with a hearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 9th, we are pleased to report that we have successfully secured an exemption for trustees in...

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UTA Opposes Bill In Congress Preventing HOAs From Collecting Dues During Pandemic

UTA has sent a letter to the Chairs of the appropriate committees in Congress expressing our opposition to legislation that would institute a moratorium preventing HOAs from collecting dues during this pandemic. A provision of HR 6379 and its companion measures in the Senate, S. 3565, would suspend debt collection...

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Washington State Readies for Special Session, Severe Budget Shortfall

By Holly Chisa, HPC Advocacy, UTA Washington State Lobbyist Like other states, Washington has been hit hard by COVID-19, closed businesses, and layoffs.  The Employment Security Department, or ESD, which provides unemployment insurance benefits, estimates our unemployment rate is now at 15%.  Some counties are finally allowed to move to...

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Coronavirus Update

During this time of uncertainty UTA will post links on its website to enable you to stay current on the latest information on court closings and shelter-in-place orders from local governments. Because the situation is fluid and unprecedented, if you are unsure about whether a particular court house is open or...

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UTA Virtual Townhall on Coronavirus Set for March 24th

Given the current state of affairs and the orders coming from the federal to local governments, we are holding a virtual townhall meeting to discuss how Covid-19 and the governmental responses are affecting our industry including the closure of public locations, limits on the number of people congregating (what if...

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Taniguchi Case Ruled in Favor of Borrower

UTA joined and supported the California Mortgage Association and the California Mortgage Bankers Association in an amicus brief prepared by Wright Finlay & Zak on the Taniguchi v. Restoration Homes LLC, case. The purpose of the amicus was to get the Court of Appeal to understand that a clear line...

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Court Establishes Loophole for Defaulting Borrower

The Court held in Williams v 21st Mortgage Corporation that a defaulting borrower who breaches the terms of her Chapter 13 plan by failing to make her post confirmation payments to the lender (who then obtains relief from stay) is not required to tender the allegedly current pre-petition payments as...

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Wild Year in Sacramento

By Michael Belote, UTA California Lobbyist, California Advocates The California Legislature returned to Sacramento on January 6 to begin the second year of the current 2019-2020 two-year session.  Under the state constitution, the Legislature must adjourn this year by midnight, August 31. 2020 promises to be a wild year in...

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Washington Wage Lien Bill Sees Action in the Legislature

By Holly Chisa, HPC Advocacy, UTA Washington State Lobbyist During the Washington State legislative session, it’s become clear that the Legislature is financially well off.  With over $1 billion in new revenue projected, balancing the budget is no longer a challenge. What happens when the state is flush with cash...

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Orange County ‘Dinner’ Will Be Virtual

UTA’s Orange County Dinner – scheduled for April 23rd – will now be a virtual discussion. Members will be able to logon to the discussion via Zoom on April 23rd at 2:00 pm. Mike Belote, UTA’s California Lobbyist, from California Advocates, will update participants on California legislation involving a new...

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