Washington Supreme Court Ruling – The Potential Side Effects of a Good Ruling

By Holly Chisa, HPC Advocacy, UTA Washington Lobbyist The Washington State Supreme Court just ruled on a case that may lead to legislation in 2024.  The ruling, Dalton M, LLC vs North Cascade Trustee Services Inc, was distributed to United Trustee Association members in early September of 2023.  The underlying...

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Ten Members on Ballot For Board of Directors

UTA President Cathe Cole-Sherburn and UTA Nomination Committee Chair Kayo Manson-Tompkins have announced that ten members will appear on the ballot for the six seats that are up for election to the UTA Board of Directors. Only “Regular” members have voting privileges. Terms for each of the Directorships are for...

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Silent – and Live – Auction Held at ‘Denim & Bling’ Night

UTA’s Annual Silent Auction will be at the 48th Annual Conference, held November 5-7 in Reno, at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino. The silent auction – along with several live auctioned prizes – will be held on Monday Night at the Denim & Bling event Monday evening. Last year’s prizes...

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What Is “Is”?

By Michael Belote, Esq., California Advocates, UTA California Lobbyist What is summer? Turns out it depends on who you ask.  “Meteorological summer” always occurs on June 1, which commences the three warmest months of the year.  But “astrological summer”, when the summer solstice gives us the longest day of the...

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Washington Legislature Makes Further Adjustments to Foreclosure Laws

By Holly Chisa, HPC Advocacy, UTA Washington Lobbyist The Washington Legislature wrapped up its 2023 legislative session with one bill with many changes to the foreclosure process.  For the first time since 2020, the session was fully in person.  While the option for remote testimony is here to stay, lawmakers...

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UTA Baseball Night Enjoyed – But Angels Lose

17 UTA members enjoyed an evening of baseball on August 7th to root on the Angels (plus two Giants fans). Despite great company, a perfect breeze, a beautiful sunset, and a 3-2 lead, the Angels managed to give up six runs in the ninth and lose their seventh in a...

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Fannie and Freddie Speakers Highlight Annual Conference

Representatives from Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac highlight the sessions at UTA’s 48th Annual Education Conference, held at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino in Reno, November 5-7, 2023. Room rates are just $100 per night, Saturday through Tuesday (plus $20 resort fee). Dean Meyer, Director, Non-performing Loan Management, Freddie Mac,...

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UTA’s California Basic Foreclosure Certification Class Offered

UTA’s California Basic Foreclosure Certification Class is Offered Sunday, November 5th at the 48th Annual Conference in Reno. The Basic Foreclosure Certification Course Syllabus includes Outline of state foreclosure procedures; Monetary and non-monetary defaults; Judicial v. nonjudicial foreclosures; What a Lender provides to the Trustee; What a Trustee does; Notice...

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An Evening of Dinner, Networking, Friendship, Dancing – and Live Auction

This year’s UTA annual dinner gala, held on Monday, November 6th at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino. Our ‘denim and bling’-themed night of roving dining and networking includes dancing with DJ Fresh and a LIVE auction to complement UTA’s always great Silent Auction items. So put on your denim and...

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Conference Hotel Room Guarantee Deadline is October 5th

UTA’s hotel room guarantee deadline for the 48th Annual Education Conference & Trade Show is October 5th.  That means, after that date, we cannot guarantee that a hotel room will be available at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino for the UTA Conference after that date. To reserve your hotel room...

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