UTA’s 49th Annual Educational Conference held November 10-12th at the M Resort Spa Casino in Las Vegas, received rave reviews from attendees.
The Education sessions received positive reviews from members:
– On the ‘GSE Perspective on the Default Industry’ session, sponsored by FSI with Caren Castle, Esq., Dean Meyer, Graham Kidner, and Verise Campbell: “So important to hear from Freddie and Fannie directly.’
– On the ‘The Rise of Homeowner’s Insurance Cancellations, Increased Premiums, and Their Impact on Mortgagor Payments’ session, sponsored by iMailTracking with Cathe Cole-Sherburn, Jessica Curran, and Nevada Insurance Commissioner Scott Kipper: “The Insurance Commissioner was informative and interesting.”
– On the ‘Default Servicing Economic Forecast’ sponsored by Total Lender Solutions with Rick Sharga: ‘This is one of the main reasons I come to this event each year.’
– On the ‘“Show Me State” Ruling, Does This Truly Affect Us?’ session sponsored by ServiceLink with Edward Treder, Esq., Clay Cornett, and Dean Kirchen: ‘Much to think about with this one, and I think a thorough job was done explaining.’
– On the Small Trustees Roundtable, sponsored by Daily Journal Corporation and facilitated by Randy Newman, Esq., and Robert Cullen: ‘Some of the best parts of the conference – meeting and talking with the similar size trustees and going over issues and solving problems.’
– On the Large Trustees Roundtable, sponsored by Metropolitan News and facilitated by Cathe Cole-Sherburn: ‘Absolultely can’t miss.’
– On the Legislative Update session, sponsored by Ghidotti Berger with Andrew Boylan, Holly Chisa, Joseph Tirello, Esq., and Mike Belote by video): ‘One of the more important sessions each year. We’re in California so the other states don’t affect us, but it is interesting to hear what they’re up to.’
– On the Case Law session, sponsored by PLM Family of Companies with Laura Coughlin, Esq., Benjamin R. Levinson, Martin T. McGuinn, Esq., and Joseph Tirello, Esq., Steele, LLP: ‘An important session each year.’
– On the ‘What’s Your Niche’ session, sponsored by WFG National Title Insurance Company with Josh Jacoby, Ryan Bourgeois, Esq., and Kayo Manson-Tompkins, Esq.: ‘Interesting topics that aren’t widely discussed.’
– On the ‘How a Bill Becomes a Law in California session, sponsored by Vylla Title with Michelle Mierzwa, Esq., Cliff Costa, and Luke Reidenbach: ‘Luke’s perspective was fascinating to hear, and I think the case study on AB2424 went a long way towards helping rank and file UTA members understand more about the convoluted mechanism of influencing legislation.’
The Monday luncheon was sponsored by Total Lender Solutions. The Tuesday luncheon and Exhibitor Raffle was sponsored by ServiceLink. Beverage breaks were sponsored by Altisource; First American Mortgage Solutions; and iMailTracking. The Welcome Reception was sponsored by MK Consultants and the Monday breakfast was sponsored by Auction.com.
Members also enjoyed a ‘Peace & Love’ dinner event where Twenty Silent Auction items were won by attendees. Participants enjoyed the social activities, including Tie-Dye T-shirt making and The Adleson Cup, sponsored by Redwood Trust Deed Services.
Awards were also presented to Krys Delk, recipient of the Dorothy Schick Member of the Year Award and to Randy Newman, Esq., of Total Lender Solutions, recipient of the Phil Adleson Education and Advocacy Award. UTA President Cathe Cole-Sherburn of Trustee Corps was given a standing ovation of appreciation for her two years of service as President.
The 49th Annual Education Conference was sponsored by Gold Sponsors FSI; iMailTracking; and ServiceLink; and Silver Sponsors Altisource; Daily Journal Corporation; First American Mortgage Services; Ghidotti Berger; Metropolitan News Company; PLM Family of Companies; WFG National Title Insurance Company; and Vylla Title.