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UTA’s 44th Annual Educational Conference, held November 10th-12th at the Green Valley Ranch Resort, Casino & Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada received very high reviews by attendees.
The Education sessions received positive reviews from members;
– On the ‘Inside Look at Vegas Golden Knight’s Leadership and Culture’ session, sponsored by ServiceLink with Kerry Bubolz: “Very interesting to hear about a totally different business but one with customer service focus that we can learn from. Good job!” Another wrote: “This was absolutely wonderful. I think it is great to look outside the industry for these types of keynotes as Mr. Bubolz’ message is applicable to all aspects of business and life. The video he showed was inspiring. What an excellent way to kick off the conference. An underdog story is always appealing and this one was truly a standout. What a great session! Well done!”
– On the ‘Judges Bankruptcy Case Updates’ session sponsored by Attorney Services of San Dimas with Ben Levinson, Lee Raphael and Judges Clarkson, Johnson, Lafferty, and Landis: “This was the most engaging BK panel I’ve attended at UTA. The judges were articulate, concise, and enthusiastic. Watching them do some verbal sparring was actually quite fascinating as we are not often witness to these types of legal debates. I very much enjoyed this.”
– On the ‘Title Issues You Need to Know’ session sponsored by Daily Journal with Elizabeth Knight, Mark Blackman, Andrew Fragassi, Drew Louis, Susan Pettem and Steve Scott: “Overall, very interesting.”
– On the ‘Case Law Update’ session sponsored by InSource Logic with Andrew Boylan, Stephen Hicklin and Martin McGuinn: “This panel continues to be a highlight of the conference. The panel experts were great (all UTA award winners!). They presented relevant information with great clarity and made the material accessible and applicable to our role as trustees. I would love to see this group again next year. Marty is just the coolest guy around and his presentations are entertaining and educational. Stephen was funny and brought some practicality and common sense to the TX portion (where there is often little to be found). Andrew is always an excellent speaker and, he too, makes the topic amusing. Solid group and great session!”
– On ‘Data Privacy, Cyber Security and Title Fraud’ session sponsored by Bonial & Associates with Cathe Cole-Sherburn, Sergeant Alex Gilinets, Sergeant Michael Kim, Kevin McDonald, and Kristin Schuler-Hintz: “The subject matter experts on the panel were very informative and interesting. I think it is important that we learn that these issues impacting our portfolios are being taken seriously and progressing when we are not able to see the movement. Mr. McDonald was particularly interesting and I appreciated his input on both a professional and personal level.” Another attendee wrote “Great panel discussion. Having the law enforcement to provide info was a great choice. Kevin also provided a lot of good info.”
– On the ‘Legislative Update’ sponsored by BDF Law Group with Robert Finlay, Mike Belote, Holly Chisa, and Brigham Lundberg: “Some depressing news but a great presentation.”
– On the ‘Large Trustees Roundtable’ sponsored by First American Mortgage Company with Tai Alailima and Cathe Cole-Sherburn: “This was the best trustee round table compared to the ones in previous conferences.”
– On the ‘Small Trustees Roundtable’ session sponsored by Del Toro Loan Servicing with Robert Cullen and Randy Newman: “Splitting large and small trustee’s should be the way it’s done moving forward. They really are two different groups. There was some really good conversation pertaining to relevant topics. A must for every conference.” Another echoed that thought: “Breaking up the roundtable into small and large trustees was the best decision! The informality and free expression was great.”
“I think this was the best UTA conference I have ever attended,” wrote one attendee in their conference evaluation. “President David Dutcher has really breathed new life into this association. He has a great board working alongside him and the chairs are doing a remarkable job of reinvigorating this association and the conference itself. Truly the best conference in a long time. This conference was just… fun. I learned a lot. The sessions were condensed from too many short, quick overview sessions to longer/in depth topic discussions that were very engaging and informative. I don’t remember the last time I laughed this much at a conference or had this much fun. The exhibit hall games were a blast and really kept people from wandering off from the conference during the breaks. I met new people that I haven’t had much opportunity to speak with before through the various activities.”
Another attendee wrote: “The Monday night event was such a fantastic idea. Having a show like that kept everyone in the event and the turn-out was great! What a great idea and such fun. I sound like I’m gushing (and maybe I am) but it was just a remarkably well-executed event that was very clearly targeted toward the attendees. Outstanding.”
“We saw David Copperfield the night before and this was just as entertaining,” said Kirk Rimmer of Law Offices of Kirk S. Rimmer.
Breakfast during the conference was enjoyed and sponsored by Foreclosure Solution and Attorney Services of San Dimas.
The Annual Business Meeting luncheon was sponsored by iMailTracking. The Tuesday luncheon was sponsored by Metropolitan News. Beverage breaks were sponsored by Del Toro Loan Servicing, The STOX Group, and Carrington Foreclosure Services.
Additionally, members enjoyed a dinner event featuring illusionist Greg Devereaux held in on the grounds of the Green Valley Ranch Resort. Seventeen Silent Auction items were won by attendees; and seven exhibitor prizes were won by attendees as well.
Participants in the Golf tournament and the Wine & Paint class had a great time at those events as well.
Awards were also presented to Stephen Hicklin of Bonial & Associates recipient of the Dorothy Schick Veteran Member of the Year Award and to Andrew Boylan of McCarthy & Holthus recipient of the Phil Adleson Education and Advocacy Award.
The 44th Annual Education Conference was sponsored by Gold Sponsors FSI (Foreclosure Solution, Inc.); iMailTracking and ServiceLink and Silver Sponsors BDF Law Group; Bonial & Associates, Carrington Foreclosure Services; Daily Journal; First American Mortgage Solutions; Metropolitan News Company and The STOX Group.