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Randy Newman receives Phil Adleson Award from UTA President Cathe Cole-Sherburn

Randy Newman receives Phil Adleson Award from UTA President Cathe Cole-Sherburn

Randy Newman is the worthy recipient of the 2024 Phil Adleson Education & Advocacy Award.  The award is presented annually to a member who both educates and advocates on behalf of UTA and its membership.

The stringent criteria for the award includes being a ‘master teacher’, who has presented and educated members in a clear and informative manner with excellently researched and prepared materials; advocated before public officials on behalf of the association; and drafted legislation on behalf of the association.

In presenting the award, UTA Cathe Cole-Sherburn said that Newman “has updated our California Certification course materials for several years now, when necessary – and of course with the constant changes in the law, that is a momentous task. In fact, he has taught our California Level One Certification class since 2006 and year after year after year, we are told what an amazing instructor. 

Cole-Sherburn added; “He has served on our Board for twelve years and was active serving as CFO and then as President for two terms – and always with a responsible eye on the budget and with a sense of humor and good cheer that makes serving on this board such a pleasure. He has advocated in Sacramento on our behalf, and he is one of the most knowledgeable members on trustee law that I have ever met.

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