New proposed legislation in Nevada (SB 33) would extend the Soldiers and Sailors Act in Nevada.
“Essentially, after the Soldiers and Sailors Act was revised – before the mortgage meltdown – Federal law was amended (and like the California HBOR, the Federal Act extending the soldiers and sailors act had a sunset at the end of 2017) to extend the Soldiers and Sailors Act for one year after discharge,” explained Mark Blackman, Esq., with Alpert, Barr & Grant. “At the end of 2017, the period is being reduced to 90 days after discharge.”
“The Nevada proposal will make it one year after discharge (again) and impose criminal (misdemeanor) penalties,” said Blackman. “It used to be ‘Use a gun, go to prison’”, he said. “Now if enacted it will be ‘complete a foreclosure sale within a year of discharge from military service, go to prison.’”