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UTA Virtual Townhall on Coronavirus Set for March 24th

Virtual Townhall

Given the current state of affairs and the orders coming from the federal to local governments, we are holding a virtual townhall meeting to discuss how Covid-19 and the governmental responses are affecting our industry including the closure of public locations, limits on the number of people congregating (what if more than 10 people show up to the sale location), recordation of documents in connection with a  sale or refinance, and bankruptcy filings.

There is no fee for participation in this event, but this Townhall is for UTA members only.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, March 24th at 1:00 pm, PST.

To attend this meeting, you must have a registered Zoom account (it’s free to join at  We will have an open discussion following the short presentations.  If you have any questions now, please email them to

Once registered, you can join the Zoom meeting from your computer or telephone.  An eblast will be distributed by end of Monday with login instructions (it’s easy).

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