UTA Members help shape the association’s direction by participating on our five standing committees. Members are appointed to the committee by the committee Chair and serve on the committee for a three-year term. If you are interested in serving on one UTA’s committees, please email the headquarters office and the appropriate committee chair will contact you.

A summary of each committee and its role and responsibilities follow:

The Membership Committee is responsible for informing the membership on all matters of relevance. This entails soliciting ideas and implementing suggestions to improve membership benefits. The Committee’s main functions include: Membership Growth; Membership Maintenance; and Marketing & Fund Raising.

Co-Chair: Kate Eshenko, First American Mortgage Solutions

Co-Chair: Susan Pettem, Novare Settlement Services

The Education Committee is responsible for coordinating programs for continuing education relating to any Trustee services. The committee also presents diverse programs of relevant interest to the membership. The committee’s main functions include: Overseeing and coordinating the annual educational conference; coordinating and promoting regional events; coordinating and overseeing the certification program.

Chair: Randy Newman, TotalLender Solutions

The Legislative Committee reports to the Board of Directors on legislative issues of importance to the mission of UTA and is responsible for submitting its position on proposed legislation to the Board with respect to legislation.

Co-Chair: Michelle Mierzwa, Wright Finlay & Zak

Co-Chair: Andrew Boylan, Esq., McCarthy Holthus

The Legal Resources Committee oversees the Association’s Amicus Briefs, as well as all legal and regulatory issues. The committee reviews State and Federal legislation and regulations that affect the trustee industry, and advises the Board and membership of any legal entity’s actions that affect the membership. The committee is responsible for providing legal advice or information as necessary to the Board of Directors.

Co-Chair: Martin McGuinn, Esq., Kirby & McGuinn

Co-Chair: Laura Coughlin, Esq., McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce

This new committee is tasked with engaging vendor participation and working with vendors to improve their experiences with the Association to ensure that they receive full value from their membership.

Co-Chair: Katie TerBush, MK Consultants

Co-Chair: Tai Alailima, Carrington Foreclosure Services