Company: Affinia Default Services, LLC/ McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLP

Incumbent: No

UTA Member Since: 2021

UTA Committees Served:

  • Legislative Committee volunteer then member since approximately 2018
  • Legal Resources Committee Co-Chair since 3/2023



Laura Coughlin is the Managing Officer of Affinia Default Services, LLC and a practicing attorney. She is responsible for the oversight of all aspects of West Coast Foreclosure Operations. Laura has been in the default industry for over 17 years. She started her career in the mail room at Northwest Trustee Services/Routh, Crabtree, Olsen (RCO Legal) and worked her way up to paralegal. After attending law school, Laura returned to RCO Legal as an attorney specializing in judicial foreclosures in the Pacific Northwest. Eventually Wright, Finlay, & Zak, LLP brought Laura on where she handled foreclosure, litigation, and appeal matters for lenders in all areas. Since March of 2022, Laura has been working for Affinia and their associated law firm, McCalla Raymer Liebert Pierce, LLP, focusing on West Coast non-judicial foreclosures and compliance.

Laura has volunteered and then acted as member of the UTA's Legislative Committee since joining in 2018. In March of 2023, Laura was given the honor of being asked to serve as co-chair of the Legal Resources Committee with the esteemed Marty McGuinn. Laura is also on the Board of Directors for Imagine Housing, a non-profit located on the east side of King County, WA. She is also a member of the Mortgage Bankers Association, and Washington Mortgage Bankers Association.

Why I would like to be a member of the Board of Directors and/or my vision for UTA:

I would like to be a member of the Board of Directors to help foreclosure providers and the associated entities/vendors move forward in today's ever changing political and social climate. It is my hope that the UTA can continue to lobby for the industry in all covered states in both the legislatures and at the investor levels. Our industry is not immune from being affected by inflation and the overall cost of living on the west coast. However, we are continually overshadowed by the needs of the borrower and the investor/government’s desire to keep fees and costs low. As a member of the board, I would like to see continued effort to make sure our needs brought into the discussion with zeal.