UTA eNews
April, 2011

Members Lobby in Sacramento
- Sample Letter for Members to Send to Their Representatives Provided -

UTA Members met
with their legislators

Twenty-Five determined UTA members met in Sacramento and lobbied their State Senators and Assemblypersons on March 15th during the Association’s 3rd Annual Lobby Day.  Armed with a briefing from UTA’s California Lobbyist, Mike Belote, the members explained their concerns with SB 789 and extolled the benefits of SB 435. 

SB 789 is similar to SB 1275 from last year (which did not pass the legislature.  SB 789 would mandate extensive obligations on lenders and servicers prior to and concurrent with foreclosures relating to loan modifications.  The bill would slow down foreclosures, delay recovery, and do nothing about the increasing prevalence of so-called ‘strategic defaults’.  SB 789 essentially would allow every foreclosure to be litigated, eliminating the benefits to all parties from the nonjudicial foreclosure system. 

SB 435, introduced by Senator Tom Harman clarifies certain foreclosure procedures, including the ability to list an ‘authorized agent’ in the Notice of Sale and eliminates unnecessary notices after trustee substitutions.  This bill makes only technical changes to the Civil Code and is designed to insure that the foreclosure process gets the right information to the right people in the most cost-effective manner.

Read a Sample Letter for UTA Members to send to your Representative

Want to know who your State Senator and Assemblyperson are? Click here

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